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Second Quarter Middle School Honor Roll Released!

Second Quarter Middle School Honor Roll Released!

Congratulations to the following Middle School students who earned academic honors for the second quarter of the 2024–2025 school year. Students who qualified for the Head of School's List earned grades of A- or above in all courses; students who qualified for the Principal's List earned grades of B+ or above in all courses; and students who qualified for the Honor Roll earned grades of B or above in all courses. (Grade 6 students will be eligible for honor roll beginning second quarter.)


Head of School List

Class of 2030

Nicholas Allison
Finn Arnold
Mason Baker
Jacoby Breay
Daniel Broadbent
Liam Cahill
Zachary Carr
Miloh Chiou-Meyette
Trey DeOrio
Owen Doody
Christian Doub
Matteo Faggiano
Lucas Flynn
Liam Freeman
Benjamin Gabriel
Christopher Genzale
Michael Hernandez
Warren Holtslag
Bradley Johnson
Benjamin Law
Matthew Liang
Joseph Martelli
William McCusker
Benjamin Miller
Donovan Milligan
Dominic Morse
Quinn O'Brien
Rocco Pesce
Desmond Pfischner
Benjamin Piscitello
Alexander Proscurshim
Cruz Ramirez
Henry Riester
Chase Ronningen
Jamari Sanders
Shaunak Sasmal
Emmett Saunders
Keagan Sessions
Samuel Shickolovich
Noah Sica
Veylan Srinivasan
Monty Sullivan
Stuart Sullivan
Eshaan Thakkar
Brayden Tucker
Ronald Weinberg
Logan Wild
Shahmir Zaheer

Class of 2029

William Bailey
Victor Barnas
Charles Bertrand
Caleb Brady
Lincoln Bures
Henry Chisholm
Jonathan Corwin
Griffin Curran
Camren Dalton
Callum DeBiase
Alexander Desrochers
Alp Dibirdi
Samuel Dilly
Deven Dion
Brady Ebacher
George Gilpin
Michael Greene
Leo Grimaldi
Brady James
Landon Kobs
Patrick Kolano
Max Kuleszka
Sam Lee
Martin Lika
William MacKay
Demetri Mann
Arthur Marengi
John Marino
James Marshall
Ronan McClintock
Brady Murphy
Pranav Nayar
Nathaniel Niedzwiecki
Maximo Peveri
Patrick Randall
Theo Refour
Aiden Robertson
Andrew Saccocia
Blake Sadowski
Henry Sahovey
John Salvador
Andrew Scoville
Victor Skop
Matthew Sorgini
Thomas Sterio
Brendan Sullivan
Richard Travers
Anderson Trickett

Principal's List

Class of 2030

Emmett Acworth
Devan Aghara
Thomas Ayles
Patrick Cahill
Layton Chen
Matthew Donovan
Santiago Gallego
Harvey Houghton
Thomas Kelcourse
Flynn Sanderson
Ryan Sherlock
Andrew Swanson

Class of 2029

Jacob Barker-Santiago
Joseph Borgatti
William Codreanu
Christopher D'Apice
Andrew Doughty
Ryan Gallozzi
Dillon Hannan
Charlie Hannaway
Tristan Lantz
Edward MacDougall
Dillon Murphy
William Puleo
Lincoln Rosner
William Ryan
Carter Smith
Christian Smith
Benjamin Soule
Jacob Stephen
Graham Whitten


Honor Roll

Class of 2030

Roman Casazza
Evan Chagnon
Thomas Connors
Hunter Daley
Antonio Di Giambattista
Anthony DiMinico
WenRay Fitzgerald
Michael Lafferty
Quinn McCarter
Hudson Payne
Grant Pullen
Luca Sarno
Jacob Secatore
Michael Sharp
Jackson Soudant
Bennett Strachan
Nicholas Walsh

Class of 2029

Omar Al-Shorafa
Paxton Barraza
Samuel Baumfeld
Noah Caruso
Louis Chen
Reid Crowe
Myles Culot
James Dalton
Alixandre Donhauser
Taegan Dupuis
Charles Emery
Cameron Fox
Eli Hajer-Sirois
Michael Lewinnek
Luke Neely
Boden Paul
John Scally
Cole Szymanski