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A strong endowment is essential for every independent school. At St. John's, income from endowed funds is the principal source of tuition assistance for students who would not otherwise be able to afford a Prep education. In fact, one-third of the students at the Prep receive tuition assistance every year, much of it provided through endowed funds.

Giving to the Endowment at St. John's

By investing in an existing endowed fund or establishing a new named fund, you can help ensure a vibrant future for the Prep while creating a legacy of your own for generations to come. Gifts of any size may be added to an existing fund. Why not take a peek at the list of endowment funds at St. John’s?

For more information about establishing a new fund or supporting the endowment at St. John's Prep, please email Chief Advancement Officer Deb Marino or call 978-624-1458. To make a gift online, please complete the form below.

If you wish to give to a specific endowment fund, please click on the link below and select the designation. 

Give to the Endowment Fund

Class of '58 Spirit Fund Award Recipient

Michael Hale '23 shares the impact of the Class of '58 Spirit Fund in a speech during Commencement weekend.