Opportunity in every direction.
It's important to us that everyone who wishes to attend the Prep has an accessible means to get to our 175-acre campus in Danvers, Massachusetts. Conveniently located at the intersection of Route 1, I-95, and Route 62, St. John's Prep is accessible for families coming from all over the North Shore and beyond. Whether it's via bus, car, bike, or walking, St. John's families utilize a variety of transportation options each day. And with current students coming from 90 towns and communities, it's safe to say our location puts us in a favorable spot for students from all over the greater Boston area to take advantage of what St. John's has to offer.
Bus Transportation
11 different bus routes bring students from parts of Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire to campus every day.
In the morning, buses arrive between 7:30 to 7:50 am, allowing students time to grab breakfast, meet with teachers, and settle into their day. In the afternoon, all buses leave at 5 pm. This allows flexibility for students that stay after school to participate in clubs and sports. Bus routes are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
The cost for one student to ride the bus for the 2025-2026 academic year is $2,975. Financial aid may be available. View a list of bus routes below.
Carpool and Student Parking
With a built-in network of nearly 1,500 current students, families are also encouraged to carpool with other local St. John's Prep families. Once enrolled, all families have access to a directory in which they can find their local SJP neighbors. Families are welcome to organize themselves so groups of students can make their way to campus together.
Students are also welcome to drive to campus themselves. Juniors and seniors with a valid driver's license can submit a request to park on campus. If available parking spots still remain, sophomores may be issued a parking pass in the spring semester.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
For families driving to campus, specific drop-off and pick-up procedures are put in place to keep everyone safe while also keeping things moving. For High School students, there are four designated drop-off spots on campus, allowing students to start the day in the most convenient location for them. For Middle School students, the designated, one-way route allows for efficient drop-off that is consistent for all families.
While the bell rings at 2:34 pm to let students out for the day, it is recommended that parents and guardians pick up their students at 3 pm to reduce congestion and assist the flow of traffic after school. However, many students stick around campus after the academic day to participate in a plethora of sports, clubs, and other after-school activities.
Bus Routes
Bus transportation is on a first-come, first-served basis. Routes are also subject to change on a yearly basis.
In 2024–2025, routes run to and from the following towns:
North Andover
Southern New Hampshire