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The Registrar is responsible for maintaining the integrity of all student academic records. Alumni, past students, and current students' transcripts may be provided through the registrar's office. Please allow for three to five days for processing time.

Alumnus Official Transcripts

St. John's policy is to send official transcripts in a sealed envelope through regular mail. If you would like a copy by email, it will be considered unofficial. Please contact our Registrar, Cindy Lauwers, at 978-774-1050 x249 or at to request an unofficial transcript or with any questions.

Alumnus Transcript Request Form

Student Transcript Request

A transcript may be needed for current students in order to obtain a Learner's Permit, apply for scholarships, work with college coaches, and more. If you need to request an unofficial transcript, parents or students can do so by using this form. An electronic file will be sent to your son via email. This form is also available on the 'School Counseling' resource board in Blackbaud.

Current Student Transcript Request

Fees and Payment Options

There is a $5 fee per transcript for alumni and past students and can be paid through the Alumnus Transcript Request Form.

Contact the Registrar

Cindy Lauwers

Cindy Lauwers

Administrative Assistant for Academics / Registrar